This blog is a day to day record of the life at our farm: the mules, the dogs and the kids.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy Holidays
Loren and I wanted to take a few minutes to thank all of our clients for their support this year. Loren is extremely busy and we appreciate all of you who wait patiently for him to get to your mules. We hope that everyone has a happy and joyous holiday and a rewarding new year!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope that everyone had a happy Thanksgiving and got to eat all of the turkey they wanted. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and spent the day with family. Loren got to trail ride for a while in the morning and for him that always makes a great day. We are very blessed in this family - with healthy children and a healthy granddaughter, a wonderful extended family and the ability to both do something we love every day and get paid for it. We are thankful for all of the clients who have put their trust into Loren's training. He loves what he does and is one of the very best mule trainers because of it. He treats every mule here as if we own it and were putting someone we loved on it to ride. We have a busy year coming up: Cole will graduate from high school in May and Cori will graduate from college in May. She and Camri will be returning to Belle to start working in the family business: mules. Our best wishes in this busy season to you and yours. Stop and be thankful for everything you have in your life and then tell those people that you're thankful for them. Don't let this season get away without taking a few minutes to be thankful.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Trap Shooting
Cole shoots with our local FFA Trap Team. They had a trap meet tonight and Cole shot a perfect 25 round. He then got his new hat shot up by the team. That part seems strange - but we are incredibly proud of Cole.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Local Cowboy Race

Cole and Jiggs running through the barn.

Richard Ullmer on Badger.

Cori and Hoosier Daddy jumping haybales.

Loren and Jewels climbing the gravel pile.

Brody Smith and Odie walking over the logs.
Brody is 7 and the son of Jeff and Jennifer Smith.
Loren and the kids decided to attend a local extreme cowboy race over the weekened. It was held by a little saddle club close to home. We had a couple from Iowa here for a short clinic with Loren this week and they took their mule and competed too.
The course set was a pretty good course. It was set out in a circle basically so that part wasn't too hard to remember. The rules were a little weak and tended to change after we got started but also is normal for around here. We have found over the years that when we arrive at a "horse" event they are happy to take our money but they aren't going to let us take any of it back home. People aren't rude just uninformed. There was a little donkey showing at the race and a lady who couldn't control her horse at any time felt that the donkey scared her horse while she was in the arena.
They provided some age divisions: 12 and under, 13 to 18, and 19 and over. The 12 and under division had the little kids dragging a tire around a barrel. This was a very bad idea. The rope was too long and the tire to light and when the kids got going it became almost airbound and scared the horses.
The day was a lot of fun and we may or may not go back in the spring. I would hope some rules were in writing next time and we stuck to the rules. It's their ballgame and their ball, I guess they can make the rules up to suit them as they go along.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Brad Cameron Mule Clinic

Our friend, Joe Bufalo, hosted a Brad Cameron Mule Clinic this weekend. Joe asked Cole to take one of his colts for the colt starting clinic. Cole has started a few colts already and took to Cameron's methods very quickly. There were 2 other colts the first day and 3 other colts on the second day. There were many people watching. The weather was perfect!
Monday, September 15, 2008
All Star Mule Show

The All Star Mule Show was organized well but in a horrible facility. The mules and donkeys were pushed to the outside arena with mud and water everywhere. The stalls were also crap. The show manager agreed to move out of the big arena and into the small arena for a discount. It really emphasized his lack of desire to put the show together and his lack of respect for the people and animals who attended. No bleachers, no bathrooms, no warmup pen with the arena. It was cold and wet.
Camri participated in the lead line and the teddy bear race. She looked good. Cori won the Extreme Trail Challenge, Amateur Western Pleasure and Trail. Cole won a couple speed events.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Scenes from South Dakota
This year's buffalo hunt was not as exciting as last years. They only rounded up buffalo one day and only rounded up between 500 -600 buffalo. Here are a couple of the pictures. He and Tim Cross had a good time and made it safely home. Loren and the kids are now on their way to Columbia for the All Star Mule Show. Good luck to Cole and Cori. Camri may get to show one class if she is feeling better.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Buffalo Roundup
Loren is headed to Custer State Park in South Dakota this week to roundup the buffalo. This is a preround-up with only a select number of people on muleback/horseback rounding the buffalo out of the state park to put in a pen in order to have other people drive them through town. This job gets none of the glory but all of the fun and drama.
I'll post some pictures when he comes back.
I'll post some pictures when he comes back.
Monday, September 1, 2008
National Chuckwagon Races

We've just returned from the National Chuckwagon Races in Clinton, AR. As usual, it was hot but the races were fantastic. There were 5000 mules and horses on the site with more than 20,000 people in attendance. It is an amazing event and Dan and Peggy Eoff are incredibly crazy to invite that many people to their home in a weekend. I think the races were the best ever. It was great to see so many new people win this year. Will He Make It won the big mule team race and I don't think I've ever seen anyone as excited as their team was. Mr. Waddle said he'd been waiting for that moment for 17 years! Amazing - their team was amazing. Their outrider got on and was in perfect position. Congratulations to all the teams that won. Cole won the mule race and we were almost as excited as the Will He Make It team. Cole had a lighting run with a time of 46.8.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
In my school district, we have teacher days on Monday and Tuesday, the day off on Wednesday and then the students arrive on Thursday. Today is that in between day. It's the day you make sure your laundry is done, you get a good night's rest and wake refreshed and ready to start the day on Thursday. We had Open House last night and all but one family made it. It was an hour and a half of students, parents and siblings. It's a really busy night making sure we have transportation and emergency information. I am exhausted by the end of the evening.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Back to Work
Today was the first day back on contract for teachers. A day full of meetings and getting the classroom ready. I wish I could say that everyone appeared full of excitement and anxious to get started, but that is not true. I believe that teachers who do not enjoy teaching should not teach.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Trail Riding
We went trail riding yesterday with two of Loren's friends and their 7 year old sons. I had forgotten exactly how loud and excited a boy that age can be. They were enthralled with the river, rocks, spiders, horse flys, etc. They got hot when we took a short break at the river so both boys decided to swim. One of them went skinny dipping and the other took off his jeans and swam in his underwear. They were alot of fun to watch - such energy. I had forgotten how quiet the woods can be and how much I enjoy that solitude when I ride. I guess I'll stay home next weekend when they go to explore the cave.
Cole registered for his senior classes today. It was really sad. I know he's a senior - but it hit me this was it. My last high school registration ever.... I took pictures which he hated - but someday he'll like the scrapbooks, right?
Cole registered for his senior classes today. It was really sad. I know he's a senior - but it hit me this was it. My last high school registration ever.... I took pictures which he hated - but someday he'll like the scrapbooks, right?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Best of the Best
Yesterday we drove to Springfield, MO and watched the Best of the Best Calf Roping. The best of the best were there, including Trevor Brazile, Joe Beaver, Fred Whitfield, Cody Ohl.... the best 20 calf ropers in the country were there competing for $100,000 in cash money. The final four ended up being Trevor Brazile, Ryan Jarret, Josh Peek and Cimmaron Boardman. The third round was fantastic with Ryan Jarret winning the fast time in 6 seconds. It was an amazing calf roping that they will have again next year. (Of course, Trevor took home the most money at the end of the day. He is the most consistent competitor.)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Perfect Summer Day
Yesterday was the perfect summer day. The temperature was in the 80's. there was a nice soft breeze. The mowers had come and mowed so there was a smell of freshly mowed grass. It was a charming day. The granddaughter came home around 6:00 with a fever, however. She has hand, foot and mouth disease which involves a high fever and small blisters forming on her hands, feet and mouth (hence the name). She has laid on the couch watching Noggin ever since. Oh well - the day started nice!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Too Fat
I went in for a doctor's visit today. Just a check up. My blood pressure is too high and so is my weight. I hate exercise - but apparently if I want to live to see Camri's kids I better exercise and start really watching my diet - not just when Loren is around to see me eat.
It was so hot today 100+. The humidity made it feel 120 I think.
It was so hot today 100+. The humidity made it feel 120 I think.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Vinyl Fencing
About 10 years ago, we replaced fence with white vinyl fencing. At the time we were told it was mold and mildew resistant, basically maintenance free. What a load of .... I spend 4 or 5 hours every year scrubbing the white fence and removing the stuff attached to it. It does not work well with the mules as they figured out how to push on it and knock it out. We have to have a hot wire around the top to keep them in. Oh well, nothing like scrubbing fence when it's 100 degrees outside.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Olathe Sweet Corn
Tonight we had olathe sweet corn for dinner. I know it doesn't seem worthy of a whole blog but it is. It is the most amazing corn on the cob ever and it's only available the first week of August. A few years ago our family was fortunate enough to go trail riding in Moab, Utah. We went and stayed with friends Nancy and John Hauer. We went riding with John up the top of a mountain and looked down. He pointed to a town and told us that it was Moab. We were probably one of the first families in 100 years to see Moab for the first time from the top of a snow covered mountain in August. (He owned the whole top of the mountain.) When we returned to their ranch, his wife Nancy had made olathe sweet corn and barbeque ribs. I can't eat Olathe corn without thinking of her and her husband's amazing hospitality. Our children had the greatest time and it was a memory that comes up in discussions on a regular basis. They lived on the Colorado river and their dog would pretend like he was drowning so water rafters would pick him up and feed him. After he ate he would jump out and swim off. Nancy died a few years ago - what a loss for her family.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Cell Phone Disaster
Today was a very bad day. I mean I'm alive - but it has been a bad day. I decided to clean out a cabinet, the shelf fell with 20 quarts of dill pickles falling with it. There was glass, vinegar, dill and pickles along with beets all over the floor and me. It took 2 hours to get everything cleaned up. I threw my clothes in the washer and went and took a shower. 30 minutes later I realized my cell phone was in the pocket.
I have to say that the majority of AT&T employees are rude, not helpful and basically imcompetent. After visiting the store and being sent to the AT&T call center and then being transfered 8 times with no one helping me, the last lady told me she did not have time to deal with my issues.
I think maybe they are underpaid - but still rude!!!
I have to say that the majority of AT&T employees are rude, not helpful and basically imcompetent. After visiting the store and being sent to the AT&T call center and then being transfered 8 times with no one helping me, the last lady told me she did not have time to deal with my issues.
I think maybe they are underpaid - but still rude!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Ranch Rodeo
Last night we headed to Urich, Mo for a Ranch Rodeo. Loren competes with several other cowboys from the Jefferson City area. They competed in the rain with their highest placing being a third. It was not our best night for Ranch Rodeo. The cattle were fresh and the team in front of us scattered the cattle every time and there was not enough time to settle them before they started the timer. It was a nice evening shared with other cowboys despite the results. Loren rode his mule, Eeyore, and another guy, Wes, rode his mule. Of course they were the only mules at the event!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
St. Louis Zoo

The St. Louis Zoo is amazing. It's rated the number one zoo across the United States. The best part is it's free. The facility is outstanding. We took the granddaughter yesterday and met my sister, her husband and their kids. It stopped raining, the humidity went up and we got to look at all of the active animals. Four hours later, and two cranky toddlers, we headed back home. It was a really nice family day.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Shopping with a 3 year old
Today my daughter, granddaughter and I went shopping. What a bad idea! The three year old woke up in a bad mood and stayed in a bad mood. Lunch at The Cheesecake Factory helped - but she would not eat anything. The two hour drive each way was only good while she was sleeping. Good thing she's so cute!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Chuckwagon Race Mule Races
Loren, Cole and I spent the weekend at Lockwood, Mo at the Arkansas Chuckwagon Race Association races. It was hot - but what a crowd they had. 1000's of people gathered around to watch chuckwagons race. It is a pretty exciting sport - the precursor to NASCAR. Everyone watching them circle waiting for a wreck. Cole raced his mule, BB, in the mule race. He was out front 3/4 of the way the first day and BB pulled out of the circle and the winner went on by to take the victory. The second day BB was ahead all the way until 10 foot from the finish line and she again veered outward and Gary Mathes snuck by to win by a nose. Cole's mule is faster - just not quite as controlled yet. He'll get him at the National Chuckwagon Finals in Clinton!!!! I got too much sun as usual. The chuckwagon races were good but the Ranch Rodeo had 23 teams and took entirely too long to complete. I don't think the bikini barrel race was what they had in mind. Cole decided they might want to put a weight limit on the race (typical 17 year old statement.)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Belle Fair
The community is having a fair this week. Last night Camri and the cousins went to watch the parade. The little girls spent more time looking for their candy then at the parade - until the tractors came through. Camri was extremely excited about the tractors - I guess we are raising a country girl. Camri and her mom and Rylie, Myckena and Grandma went to the fair to ride the rides.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The last few days Camri has been awake by 6:30 - ready to go out and do the chores. She wants to dump the grain in and then brush her mule Blazin Blue. By 7:15 she was ready to go swimming in her new swimming pool. the pool has a slide and a palm tree that squirts water out of the hose. She was so excited to hit the water - she jumped in, slide down the slide and then screamed as she hit the cold water. It's almost 2:00 and I still haven't gotten her convinced to get back in. She wants to throw things in it but is convinced that it is still freezing. So much for an hour blowing it up and 30 minutes filling it with water. The dogs like it though!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Camri was up by 6:15 today - hate those early mornings. She got to go to the barn and chore with Papa though. She loves that!!!! I'm sure she is not as much help as she thinks she is. Papa just goes on about his morning. The weather is warming up - typical for July in Missouri. Loren has to work at the Cuba sale barn today - it should be hot among all of those cows.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Great Celebration Mule Show
I have recovered from our trip home. Tim and Sheila Cross went with us and on the way home Tim's wheel on the trailer about fell off. We spent a couple extra hours getting it put back on. Today is being spent doing laundry.
A couple comments about Shelbyville: when the show says substitutions are allowed, they mean substitutions for riders not for mules. I think they should clarify that in their rulebook. We had to pay an extra $22.00 to take Katie out of a class already registered for and put Hoosier in the same class. I think that is silly. The show used two judges this year. I think Judge Isley did an excellent job. He stuck with the same type mule during halter and he stuck with the same english/western type mule throughout the class. He didn't jump around with what he liked. I like a judge that stays with what he views as standard and doesn't chose things based on color or size. I didn't like that the schedule put driving on two different days - seems kind of dumb.
A couple comments about Shelbyville: when the show says substitutions are allowed, they mean substitutions for riders not for mules. I think they should clarify that in their rulebook. We had to pay an extra $22.00 to take Katie out of a class already registered for and put Hoosier in the same class. I think that is silly. The show used two judges this year. I think Judge Isley did an excellent job. He stuck with the same type mule during halter and he stuck with the same english/western type mule throughout the class. He didn't jump around with what he liked. I like a judge that stays with what he views as standard and doesn't chose things based on color or size. I didn't like that the schedule put driving on two different days - seems kind of dumb.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Back from Shelbyville
There weren't as many people or exhibitors as I expected at Shelbyville. The weather was much nicer than it's been the last 7 or 8 years. There were some great mules showing. Cole won the youth keyhole, the open pylon alley and Loren and Cole got 2nd in the pantyhose race. Cori and Hoosier showed well in pleasure and english. I have some complaints about the show - will post those tomorrow.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Getting ready to leave for Shelbyville, TN for the Great Celebration Mule Show. I understand the weather is supposed to be cooler than normal - I guess 90 degrees rather than 100. Loren and Cole have spent the last few days putting the hay up. I love the way the hay field looks after they're done. It's been very hot for hay - but at least we got it all put up before it rained.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Cole's Birthday
Cole, our son, is 17 today. It's hard for me to believe that 17 years have gone by so quickly. Soon he will be out of the house and gone. Cori started her new internship yesterday. She said she was already learning about the PC - I think it will be an excellent adventure for her.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Welcome to Pair-A-Dice Mules
Welcome to the Pair-A-Dice Mule blog. I hope to put various photos and information about where we've been, where we're headed and other various mule news.
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