Monday, March 9, 2009

Timed Event Challenge

Here are a couple of the events from the weekend.

This is behind the scenes.

Timed Event Challenge, Guthrie, OK

Loren and I just returned from Guthrie, OK where we watched 20 of the most amazing cowboys ever. The Timed Event Challenge was celebrating it's 25th anniversary this weekend. The event requires that all 20 cowboys head, heel, calf rope, steer trip and steer dog. It is absolutely awe inspiring to watch these guys. There are 5 performances and by the end they are beat. Trevor Brazile won his 6th title. Daniel Green came in second, Jimmie Cooper got third and Josh Peek got fourth after a miss in the steer trip. I love this event. It is a weekend were Loren and I go away with two other couples and leave the kids (and chores) at home.

Eeyore in the Barn

This is Eeyore. He is a 10 year old, 15 hand john mule.