Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cole/Grand Canyon

Cole is on his way home. He did his practice ride down the Canyon today. They offered him a position and he declined the position. I think there is a story here - but I'll have to wait and get it from the source. Loren and Cole are driving home, another 20 hours of bonding.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Grand Canyon

Cole leaves tomorrow to go to work at the Grand Canyon National Park with the mule barn. Loren and Cole are leaving in the morning, driving out in Cole's truck. Cole does a practice ride (his job interview) on Sunday and then if he can ride he'll start work after that. Loren will fly home on Monday.

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day. We let Loren decide what he would like to do on this day dedicated to Fathers. Loren decided he would like to go trail riding. You would think on a day off he would not want to "work". Loren's Grandpa Ralph told him to find out what he liked to do and figure out how to get paid for it and he would have the "perfect" job. Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers and grandfathers out there!
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rocky Mountain Mule Days Benefit Roping

Mark Bailey and Levi King won the benefit roping for Levi's brother, Steve. Steve King was hurt at Bishop while team roping and spent several weeks in the hospital. A round robin was held with 10 headers and 10 heelers. Half the proceeds were given to Steve King.
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Rocky Mountain Mule Days part 2

This is the Working Ranch class, Ranch Pleasure class and the ranch trail class. Loren got second in the ranch pleasure and first in the ranch trail.

Rocky Mountain Mule Days Mule Challenge

This is the first part of the Rocky Mountain Mule Days Extreme Mule Challenge. This is the Ranch Cutting class and the Ranch Trail Class. Loren got first in the trail class.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rocky Mountain Mule Days

Silver Bullet, $5300.00 consigned by Levi King. He was the high selling mule at Rocky Mountain Mule Days. Loren's mule, Lucy, shown above being ridden by the granddaughter of Wes and Judy Coffel, sold for $4700.00. She was the second high selling mule. The mule in the picture with Lucy is Izzy. She sold for $3000.00. She is being ridden by Judy Coffel. The mule at the top was Luke Bailey's mule. He sold for $3500.00. The majority of the good mules did not sell for as much as they should have.

Rocky Mountain Mule Days

Here are just a couple pictures of Loren at the Rocky Mountain Mule Days in Eagle, Colorado. Over the next few days I will add more pictures and the videos of his runs with Jewel.
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Sweetwater Lake

Loren and I along with Randy and Vickie Gibbs have been at the Sweetwater Lake trail riding for the last couple days. It was beautiful. We really didn't want to come down the mountain to go to the Rocky Mountain Mule Days. It's a beautiful spot for trail riding and only cost us $36.00 for the camping. An amazing deal at any price!!!!
We will be at the Rocky Mountain Mule Days until Saturday. We arrived at Eagle only to find that the rules to the Xtreme Mule Challenge had changed. This is a business and as such any rule changes should have been given to the competitors at the time of entry. From what I understand they have gone from giving 3 saddles (Xtreme Mule Challenge winner, rodeo winner and High Selling Mule) to just 2 saddles. They have combined the Xtreme Mule Challenge and Rodeo saddle.