Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gaited Mules at Shelbyville

These were some of the gaited mules at Shelbyville. Brad Crismon from New Bloomfield is the featured picture at the beginning of the video.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gaited Mule Winner

This is Brad Crismon from New Bloomfield riding his 2 year old. He kicked butt in the gaited classes. I have been told that his mule can outwalk most walking horses. He won multiiple blues and two red ribbons. He was amazing. I will be posting a video of some gaited mules on the blog. They really are impressive. Congratulations to Brad and his wife.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Great Celebration Mule Show

This is a highlight video from Thursday at Shelbyville. It does not have highlights from all classes.

Saturday - Great Celebration Mule Show

Brad Crismon and his 2 year old mule winning the NASMA National Champion Walking Mule, 4 years and under
Rod Lara from Flagstaff, Arizona getting ready for the Walk/Trot class.
Mules for the mule pull. I only got to watch a few of the pulls but there was a huge crowd. The pull went on until after midnight.
Joe Gillespie getting ready for the Western Pleasure Stakes class that was held Saturday night.
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Friday Evening at Shelbyville

Participants in the NASMA National Champion Western Pleasure, Riders 14-18. The class was won by Hunter Gramman (not pictured).
Friday night the majority of the gaited classes were held. A gentleman from Missouri, Brad Crismon, kicked butt in the gaited classes with a 2 year old he raised. More on him later!
This was the winner of the Color Class, Halter, Mules and Hybrids Any Size
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These four ladies traveled all the way from California for the show. I heard someone say they had a 36+ hour drive to get there.

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Camri's Trophy

Everyone who was in the Lead Line received a trophy donated by the American Gaited Mule Association. I want to thank them for their kindness and let them know how much we appreciate the gesture. Camri loves, loves, loves her trophy.
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More Great Celebration Mule Show

This is the amateur Adult Western Mulemanship. There were 20-25 in the Amateur Classes all weekend.
Megan Bates and her donkey. Megan had an amazing weekend also. She brought home an armful of blues and reds. Congratulations to Megan and her family. Her Grandpa Terry has helped this young lady become a wonderful rider (and young lady).
This was from the Open Working Hunter class. The mule is owned by Florence Riley of New York.
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More from Thursday at Shelbyville

The top photo is of Lori Montgomery and Fancy getting ready for an English class. The adult costume class was held Thursday night (I don't know who they are). The next picture is from the Hunter Hack Class and the bottom picture is from the driving class. This is Michelle Travis and DL Sears.
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Shelbyville - Thursday

Thursday started in Calsonic Arena (the indoor arena) with youth showmanship and all of the halter classes. Michelle Travis of Texas won the Grand Champion Halter Mule and Jason Crist and Clyde's Brass Ring took home the reserve. Clyde's Brass Ring is owned by Dwayne Francis of Missouri. The outside arena held mini donkey events. The day held pleasure driving and then English classes in the evening. The schedule was pretty overloaded and the classes were much bigger than they expected apparently when they set the schedule. Things did not run anywhere close to one time. The photo at the top is of Pedro and Kaeli Jones (granddaughter of Jim Mahoney of Ohio). Pedro and Kaeli had a really amazing weekend. The middle photo is of mini donkeys (of which there were about a million at the show). I don't know who he is. The bottom photo is of Kat and Candace Shauger of Ohio.
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Shelbyville - Wednesday

We arrived at Shelbyville on Wednesday afternoon. The NASMA Youth had a fun show and Camri wanted to play. The youth leaders (Dale Gramman, Stacy Golian and Jason Crist) did a great job of getting all of the kids involved. They played dollar ride, Simon Says and Egg and Spoon. Camri had a great time! Special thanks to everybody who donated stuff for the buckets. Camri loved hers. The top two pictures: Cole and Julee and Roger Smith.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Great Celebration Mule Show

We will be leaving for Shelbyville in the morning (early). I will try to update the blog while we're gone with updates from the show. Cole and Cori are both showing in multiple classes. Camri will be showing in Lead Line. I understand it's going to be a huge show. Safe travel for everyone heading in that direction!!!
These are pictures from last year: the top picture is Cori and Cole and the bottom picture is Loren and Tim Cross.