Weekend Rides

Now that Loren has his leg out of the boot, the weekend trail riding is back on. The weather has been rainy that it's been kind of difficult to get any trail riding in.

Kacey and Jeff Smith
Wesley Wells and Loren (Yes, Wesley's on a horse. We don't discriminate.)
Loren, Camri and Blazin Blue
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Pole Bending

Camri ran the stick mule pole pattern. They used two poles.
Alexa Higgins and Easy Jet
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Jessie and Cori

Cori took Jessie to PeaRidge. She hasn't shown gymkhana classes for several years. We were trying to figure out when she showed gymkhana last and we think it was at Oklahoma State Fair when she was 15 or 16.
Cori and Jessie got second in the halter class. It takes forever to get her to set up. Cori and Jessie looked perfect and then the ring steward made everyone move up.
Camri ran a stick mule barrel class. (She was the only one to run the correct pattern, including the adult who showed them what to do.)
There was a blow up course at the event. Camri really liked the big slide.
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Halter at PeaRidge Arkansas

Alexa Higgins showing Easy Jet. I watched her uncle Greg show this mule many years ago. It's always nice to see the mules go from one generation to another. (We got Blue from Alexa's dad.)
Cindi Slemp and Pecos Bill won the John Mule Halter Class.
Johnny Higgins Jr and Colleen won the Molly Mule Halter Class.
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