Monday, December 28, 2009


This is the mule we'll have for sale this month, Sammy. He is a 6 year old john mule. He is sorrel with a dark stripe down his back. He is almost 15 hands. For more information, give us a call. He will make someone a nice family mule. $4500
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Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I want a barber shop, barbies, Polly Pockets, a Polly Pocket car, hair clips and a snowman picture frame.
Love, Camri

It looks like Santa got everything on the list except for the Snowman Picture Frame. Merry Christmas!
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Christmas 2009

I hope that everyone had a very merry Christmas. Things were really crazy around here. Camri got way more presents that any child needs. Cole got a new pair of Balding spurs. My nephew, Callen, got a drum set that he loves. Good thing the drums went home with him. I hope that everyone is healthy and happy and thankful for life this holiday season. Happy New Year to all!
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Saturday, December 5, 2009

T. Cross Farm on Saddle Up with Dennis Brouse

This is an amazing video of Tim and Sheila Cross of Iowa that will air on PBS in certain areas. Congratulations to Tim and Sheila (and Bones). Bones is the star of the show.

Monday, November 23, 2009


This is a small portion of a video we made about Dan. Dan was the mule we had in the last issue of Mules and More magazine. Call for more video if you're interested.


This is our latest mule advertised in Mules and More. Call for more details.

Weekend Rides

Now that Loren has his leg out of the boot, the weekend trail riding is back on. The weather has been rainy that it's been kind of difficult to get any trail riding in.

Kacey and Jeff Smith
Wesley Wells and Loren (Yes, Wesley's on a horse. We don't discriminate.)
Loren, Camri and Blazin Blue
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Pole Bending

Camri ran the stick mule pole pattern. They used two poles.
Alexa Higgins and Easy Jet
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