Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ranch Riding and Trail at Tulsa

This is the Ranch Riding Class and various pieces of the trail class.


Camri is riding Ellie Mae. Loren is riding Stumpy. We are taking Stumpy to Jake Clark Mule Days sale in June.
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Brinktown Ride

Today was the annual spring Brinktown Ride near Vienna, MO. The weather was amazing. We had a really nice day. Wesley Wells and Mickey from Booneville, MO joined us for the ride. We ride from Jerry Welschmeyer's farm to the Brinktown Catholic Church. The church has a chicken dinner. Great chicken and amazing pie.
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Monday, April 5, 2010

All American Mule and Donkey Congress

We have spent the weekend at the All American Mule and Donkey Congress in Tulsa, OK. It was a nice show. The facilities are fantastic. Probably the best facility we have ever shown in. The show was run ok. The show schedule was a little ambitious for two days. I would suggest they add some classes on Friday before the cattle class next year. The judges were fair. We have shown under Willoughby before but the other judge we hadn't seen before. She was from Oklahoma. The judges got a little grouchy towards midnight on Saturday but they had been there for a very long day (as we all had). There was a nice selection of youth present. The show had an Easter egg hunt on the trail class pattern for kids 10 and under and they all seemed to have a great time. There were participants from as far away as Maryland and Florida. We hope that they plan to have the show next year - make plans to attend.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Finally pleasure classes

All American Mule Congress

It has been a longmorning of trail classes. We are getting ready for pleasure.

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All American Mule Congress

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

All American Mule Congress

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All American Mule Show

Driving class

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Donkey halter

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Waiting to show

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A donkey class

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