Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Team Roping

This is Loren and Stumpy. Stumpy is for sale at Jake Clark Mule Day sale. There is a little video on the end of Stumpy team sorting at Sycamore Springs Mule Showdeo. For more information about Stumpy, give Loren a call.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Practice Roping at Taylor & Brownie's

Jeff and Loren
Brownie and Jeff
Taylor and Loren. Taylor is riding Loren's mule, Wounded Knee. Loren is riding the mule that Camri has been trail riding, Ellie Mae. It's amazing what this little mule can do.

One of the Momma and babies at Taylor and Brownie's house.
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Camri's Preschool Graduation

Camri graduated from preschool Friday night. She is going to miss preschool very much. She is looking forward to kindergarten but I do not believe she realizes what going to school every day is going to be like. She likes to sleep in and have pancakes for breakfast.
Callen, Rylie and Camri
Camri and her friend Allie.
Camri, her friend Riley, and Allie.
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Sycamore Springs Mule Showdeo

Cole and the flag race.

Loren and Stumpy sorting.
Joe Bufalo and Cori - winners of the Team Sorting.
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Camri, Ellie Mae and the Flag Race

Camri participated in her first Flag Race. She "raced" Ellie Mae back to get the flag and about that time a big wind blew the flag out of the bucket. She circled until her Mom could put it back in the bucket. She "raced" back and dropped it in the barrel. She did a fantastic job. She was very proud of herself.

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Sycamore Springs Bloomer Racing

This is Jerry Rush, owner of Sycamore Springs Mules. You will notice there are no members of the Basham family pictured in this event.

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Obstacle Course

They held a small obstacle course class in the arena at the Showdeo. Loren and Super Spanky won the class. Spanky will be for sale in the mule sale at Jake Clark's. He is consigned by Dave Merriman of Illinois. He is a really nice mule - for more information about Spanky you can look at the Jake Clark Mule Sale catalogue or give Loren a call.

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Trail Ride

At the Sycamore Springs Mule Show they started the day with a trail ride around Jerry Rush's property and through the exotic animal part and by his lodge. We did not arrive in time for that - but we heard from those who went that it was magnificent. They had a really nice group of horses and mules for the trail ride.

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Loren and Stumpy

Loren and Stumpy at the Sycamore Springs Mule Showdeo in Locust Grove, OK.

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