Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mule Only Competition

Jace Ellis Jr and Loren won the Mule Only Competition team roping. Justin Mac (stepson of Mark Bailey) and Loren won second place in the team roping. Carol Willis won the Barrel race and Robert Willis won the steer stopping. Loren got second in the barrel race. There were 100 teams in the Mule Only Team Roping.
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The Crowd

Some of our "group" at the start line.
Loren's Dad, Hooky, and Cori
Cole, Jiggs and Robert
Wes and Brandy
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Cole Racing at Clinton, AR

There wasn't anyone around as he crossed the finish line on Friday and Sunday. Congratulations to Cole!
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National Championship Chuckwagon Races

More Big Mule Races

-4W Race Team (Jason Wilfe)
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

National Champion

Cole won again!!!! He has won his third National Championship for Mule Racing. He had a fast time of 46 seconds on Sunday with BB.
Yeah Cole!!!!!!!
We are very proud of Cole. He won a beautiful buckle. He got on and stayed safe along the race track. He only ran over one or two other racers - so it was a good race.
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Opening Pagentry

The Chuckwagon Race always has an opening pagentry with a drill team. The drill team is made up of local teens and their horses (no mules yet, but we're still hoping). When we started going to the races Dan Eoff's children were still young and were a part of the drill team. The races are a strong supporter of our men and women who are in the military or who have served in the military and our flag plays a huge part of the opening every year. On Saturday, the drill team is followed by an empty wagon to pay tribute to all of the chuckwagon racers who have died in the previous 365 days since the last races. This years was particularly difficult due to Heather Wilfe, daughter of Jason Wilfe and sister of Blake Wilfe, who was part of the Bar 4W race team. On Saturday, hundreds of people wore pink shirts in honor of Heather.
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Mule People

Jeff and Jennifer Smith of Belle MO
Tim Cross driving his team. Stacy and Lee Merrick, Hook and Rosemary Basham, and Brandy are in the wagon. Tim is from Iowa.
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The Mule Clinic at the National Chuckwagon Championship

Cole helped Loren demonstrate during the clinic.

Loren always conducts a Mule Clinic at the National Chuckwagon Races in Clinton, AR on Thursday before the races begin. He talks about general mulemanship and tack fit. There was a nice size crowd and many people stayed after to ask him additional questions. The clinic is held in a covered arena so it is difficult to get good pictures.
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