Sunday, October 31, 2010

Team Roping

I'm not sure what it says about my time management skills, but I found time today to put some of the Chuckwagon Races videos that we took on this blog. I have a lot of excuses about being busy - but this is slow by any standards. This video is just a few ropers from the All Mule Event at the Chuckwagon Championship in Clinton AR.

Chuckwagon Clinic 2010

This is a short segment of Loren's mule clinic at the National Chuckwagon Races in Clinton, AR in September 2010.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Steer Stopping at Sycamore Springs

The first picture is Loren's friend, Joe, steer stopping on Wounded Knee. The second picture is Loren winning the steer stopping. The other two pictures are non winners.
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Loren and Jessie

Loren and Jessie finished first in the trail challenge each time they competed. They were second overall in points for the year (we missed 2 and Loren showed Stumpy the first time). For this weekend event, Jerry added dragging a log and some live action in a pen next to the camp. There was a hide hanging on a fence behind the tree. I was surprised at how few mules even looked at the tent. The live animals were another thing all together. Every mule at least looked (and donkey) except for Brody Smith's mule, Odie. She didn't even glance. Congratulations to Loren and Jessie for a great trail challenge.
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Trail Challenge

Sherry Pledger and her mule

Wesley Wells , Missouri, and his mule Bo
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Sycamore Springs

We just returned home from Sycamore Springs Show-de-o Final event. It was a great time and I'm sorry for those that missed it. The Oklahoma weather was amazing and it was really a great event. The winners of the saddles were: Robert Cooper and Chet won the Trail Challenge Saddle. Loren and Jessie were second. Robert and Chet were at a couple more events than Loren. Loren and Jessie won the Cattle Saddle. Becky Payne of Oklahoma won the Gymkhana Saddle with Cole and BB in second place. Becky and Rooster were at every Show-de-o all summer long. Sycamore Springs decided this week to give a youth all around saddle. That saddle went to Sam Cooper and Stetson. Sam is Pete and Mary Cooper's grandson and Sam won on Stetson, Pete's 30 year old mule. It is always nice to see older mules taking home the championships. Our mule, Jessie, is also an older mule. Many thanks to Jerry and Beth at Sycamore Springs. They are planning two events next year, one in the spring and one in the fall. I'm hoping to get some more pictures up this week of the event.

The pictures above: 1st picture is Dingus and Eileen from Oklahoma; 2nd picture is the Smith family (Jeff, Jennifer, Kacie and Brody) Brody was the only youth in the Trail Challenge; 3rd picture is Camri and Kacie; 4th picture is of exhibitors waiting for the Team Sorting Jeff Smith, Loren and Joe Neugan of Oklahoma.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sycamore Springs

It is time again for Sycamore Springs Mule Show-de-o. This will be the final event of the season. The top two pics were from last months event. The bottom picture is of Camri and Kacey. It was taken this week in our yard.
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