Thursday, December 30, 2010

Callen's Little Brother

Callen's Little Brother finally has a name .... Cason Owen Taylor.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Callen's Little Brother

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Morning

We woke up to a couple inches of snow. Pretty..... But not the best for traveling. We wish all of you a Merry Christmas!

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas traditions

A few years ago, we started making a gingerbread house for Camri to decorate. This is this years.

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Gingerbread house

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that everyone has had a fantastic family-filled Thanksgiving. I wanted to let everyone know how thankful we are that you and your families are a part of our mule life. I hope that everyone had the opportunity to skip bargain hunting and go out and hang out with your mules. Ours are very hairy and I think they are ready for spring.....

Here are a couple of pics from my Thanksgiving. Loren, you will notice, is absent from all pictures. Some will think he probably came to his senses and left - well he did. He left to deliver a mule to a customer in Arizona. We had recommended a hauler from Colorado who got sick and had a stroke while in route. Loren and Tim Cross gave up their turkey day (and hog hunting) to pick up the mule and take it the rest of the way to Arizona. I understand that Loren and Tim ended up eating in an IHop for Thanksgiving dinner. Please think good thoughts that they will make it home Tuesday safe and sound (with very sore bottoms for driving 31 hours there and 31 hours home.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Team Roping

I'm not sure what it says about my time management skills, but I found time today to put some of the Chuckwagon Races videos that we took on this blog. I have a lot of excuses about being busy - but this is slow by any standards. This video is just a few ropers from the All Mule Event at the Chuckwagon Championship in Clinton AR.

Chuckwagon Clinic 2010

This is a short segment of Loren's mule clinic at the National Chuckwagon Races in Clinton, AR in September 2010.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Steer Stopping at Sycamore Springs

The first picture is Loren's friend, Joe, steer stopping on Wounded Knee. The second picture is Loren winning the steer stopping. The other two pictures are non winners.
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Loren and Jessie

Loren and Jessie finished first in the trail challenge each time they competed. They were second overall in points for the year (we missed 2 and Loren showed Stumpy the first time). For this weekend event, Jerry added dragging a log and some live action in a pen next to the camp. There was a hide hanging on a fence behind the tree. I was surprised at how few mules even looked at the tent. The live animals were another thing all together. Every mule at least looked (and donkey) except for Brody Smith's mule, Odie. She didn't even glance. Congratulations to Loren and Jessie for a great trail challenge.
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Trail Challenge

Sherry Pledger and her mule

Wesley Wells , Missouri, and his mule Bo
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