Memorial Day Ride

The top picture is of Loren's dad, Hooky. The second picture is of Shelby Martin, Jennifer Smith and Jeff Smith. The third picture is of Wesley Wells and his new mule. The fourth picture is how each break looked for the adults. It got very, very humid over the weekend - we went through a lot of Coors Light.
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Trail Shots

The first picture is Jesse Lange riding his new mule John. The second picture is Tim Cross and Steve Lange. The third picture is of the kids riding. They spent the majority of the time out in front (with an adult near). They all have gained great confidence riding, especially the girls. Pictured are Kacie Smith, riding Audrey, Camri Jones, riding Shadaizy, Brody Smith riding Odie and Jesse Lange. The bottom picture is of Loren and his dad and Camri. It is amazing to have three generations together riding. Cori did not ride with us or it could have been four generations.
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T Cross Mules

Tim and Sheila Cross, and their grandson Sebastian, joined us for a Memorial Day weekend camping trip at Canan National Forest in Bland, MO. We went and spent the weekend (it was great being close to home). The herpes virus that is hitting horse owners is still a little scary even though there are no reported cases here in Missouri. We decided to camp somewhere we were sure no other horseowners had used recently.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Red is a 15.1 hand, sorrel with dorsal stripe, john mule. Red is 9 years old. He is easy to catch, clip and shoe. He neck reins. He lopes circles and takes both leads. He lays down to be mounted. He is an outstanding trail mule. He should suit any level of rider.



LuLu is a dark sorrel 10-year-old mare mule who stands 14.3-hands. She is out of good quarter mare and is an excellent made mule with a big hip and good chest and neck.

LuLu is good to catch and clip and easy to shoe. She has been trail rode and coon-hunted her whole life. She coon jumps very well.

LuLu has an excellent walk on her, and neck reins, side passes, and takes both leads. She is an all-day mule that is a pleasure to ride.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Reba Trail Riding

This is a picture of Reba and our neighbor Jake. This was Jake's first trail ride. He works for Loren after school. He and Reba did great. She was a perfect mount for him. She stayed out in front and took care of him. Reba is gentle for anyone.
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Stormy Sky

These are a couple pictures of the sky at about 7:30 pm the night of the tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri.
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We're Fine

Thanks to those of you who checked in with us yesterday following news of the tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri. We were not affected by the weather. Thanks so much for checking in to see if we were ok.


Jeff Smith, Wesley Wells, Mickey, Brandy Wells. Friends who joined us for trail riding on Mother's Day. (Yes, Brandy is on a horse. We'll convert her one day.)
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