Saturday, December 31, 2011

T Cross Farm

Our friends, Tim and Sheila Cross, have purchased a farm in Missouri and are moving from Chariton, Iowa. Loren and several friends (Jason, Steve, Jordan, Wesley and Brandi) offered to come over the holidays and help move some of the larger farm related items. We left the house at 4:45 am and headed to Iowa. When we left the house, it was 52 degrees. It got colder and windier the closer we got to their house. We arrived, loaded the trailers and set off back for home within 3 hours. It felt much, much colder in Iowa with the wind blowing who knows how fast and no real trees to block the wind. Luckily the Missouri people had more coats and gloves in their trucks. We weren't sure if we looked more like we were headed to the junk pile or if we looked like pickers. We were quite a sight. Tim lead the way with his load leaning to the left. We made it safely back to Missouri and unloaded at their new home about 10:00 pm. Their new neighbors who live across the road had to question what type of people had purchased the place. We looked like quite a hillbilly caravan of trucks and trailers. I do not want to imply that we were hauling junk, Tim said it was all very valuable and I have to believe that everything we hauled down here will be used daily and appreciated.

Steve hauled Tim's farm truck and inside the truck (which you cannot see) it was piled full of Tim's valuables.

The people who followed behind us for 200 miles on a 2 lane road were not very happy with our pace I am sure. Jason hauled a wagon and several hay rings. I think he was worried often that his hay rings were sliding off but he made it all the way without incident. Sheila had a horse trailer full of home items bringing up the rear watching out for any items that fell off the trucks.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that you all have a safe and happy New Years!
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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

NFR Las Vegas

Outside the Thomas and Mack

The Pendleton Whiskey Tent

Grand Entry

Las Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon
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Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Mules for Sale on the Website

This is Baby Ruth. She is a 6 year old. She is 14.3. $7500.00

This is Socks. She is an 8 year old.

This is Peaches. She is an 8 year old.
There is additional information on our website along with a short video of Baby Ruth under saddle. If you have any questions about any of them, feel free to give us a call.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Team Roping at Taylor's

Saturday was a beautiful, beautiful day in mid-Missouri. The weather was as nice a fall day as I can remember. We were fortunate to miss all of the snow that to the west and to the east got. We had 65 degree sunny weather. We went to Taylor and Brownie's house to rope for the afternoon. The picture above is of Brownie and Loren. Below is a picture of Jeff Smith and Taylor. Taylor and Brownie have a fantastic roping arena surrounded by pasture and falling leaves.

Jeff and Taylor

This is Taylor on Jeff's mule and Loren.
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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Meeker CO.wmv

Loren's recent hunting trip to Colorado.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Trail Riding

We were also joined by Jeff and Kacie Smith from Belle, MO. Kacie has a slightly older brother who normally rides with us- but it was a father/daughter ride this time around.

Tim Cross of Iowa

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Trail Riding

This is Dallas George and her colt, Sky Dancer. They are one of the most well-paired mule and rider that I've seen.

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Trail Riding at Canann National Forest

We had a beautiful ride Saturday in an area outside of Bland. Larry and Dallas George joined us from Arizona. They had flown in to come ride a colt that Loren had in training for them. The weather was cool but once the sun came out it was really nice riding.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Trail Riding

Last Sunday, we went trail riding at a state park that is close to the farm. We were joined by the Smith and Lange families. Above is Kasey and her mom Jennifer. Jennifer has just finished taking (and passing) the boards for Respitory therapy.
Brody Smith

Chris Lange

Steve and Jessie Lange
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