Thursday, June 28, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Top 2 Selling Mules Jake Clark Mule Days

High Selling Mule, Bailey, Hip #96, consigned by Mike and Angie Lee and shown by Mark Bailey, sold for $23,500.00.  Purchased by Pat Halloran. 

Reserve High Selling Mule, PairADice's Smarty, Hip #18, consigned by Loren Basham PairADice Mules, sold for $19,000.  Purchased by Pat Halloran.
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High Selling Mules 3-6

#3 John Wayne, hip #14, consigned by Matt and Jerry Cobb, sold for $14,000

#4 Annie Oakley, hip #85, consigned by Matt and Jerry Cobb, sold for $13,000
(Side note:  both mules 3 and 4 were bought by the same family)

#5 Josie, Hip #69 consigned by Loren Basham PairADice Mules, sold for $12,000

#6 Gismo, Hip #1, consigned by Jake Clark, sold for $12,000
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High Selling Mules 7 and 8

#7 Hip # 27, Okie, consigned by Joe Wood, (heading mule) sold for $11,000

Hip #17, Flower, consigned by Jiggs Loesch, sold for $10,000

Hip #53 Winston, consigned by Jake Clark, sold for $10,000
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High Selling Mules 9 and 10

#9 Doc A Lena, Hip #33, consigned by Jeff and Christina Tift, sold for $8750

#9 Sandy, Hip # 36, consigned by Joe Studiner, sold for $8750

#10 Dilly, Hip #10, consigned by Jake Clark, sold for $8500
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mounted Shooting - Jake Clark Mule Days


The mounted shooting is held on Wednesday.  The top 4 do a demonstration on Saturday during the rodeo.  (TJ Clark, Mark Bailey, Justin McManigal, and the gentleman who is the range master at the competition).
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Pictures of Sale Mules - Jake Clark

This mule was consigned by Matt and Jerry Cobb.  These are Matt's children.  They are riding John Wayne, #14 in the sale.  He brought $14,000 at the sale.

This mule was consigned by Jason Wilf.  This is Lacy, his 5 year old daughter.  She rode the hair off this mule all weekend.  The mule was great and went where ever she pointed him.  She was #32 in the sale and brought $6250.

This is Tim and Sheila Cross.  Tim is riding Hank, #20.  He sold for $7500.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Jake Clark Mule Rodeo - Mule Race


Randy Gibbs and Squirrel Tooth Betty won the mule race.
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