Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rain in Arkansas

It looks like the rain has hit the chuckwagon races.  It looks like dinner may have been a little soggy.

Chuckwagon Clinic

Loren conducted his clinic at the Chuckwagon Races today.  Cole was the helper.  Thanks to Tim for trying to take pictures with his phone and send them to me to post. 

Chuck wagon ready

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Trail riding

We spent a beautiful Saturday afternoon trail riding in southern Missouri.  The temperature was about 80 and there was a very nice breeze.  We ran into a lot of horses and even more canoers.  It was really a nice day.

Shelia Cross and Casey

Loren and a young man who works for our friend Taylor
Tim Cross and Loren

Brandi Wells, Wesley's wife and her mule, Cougar

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Terry Kirkland and family

Terry Kirkland and his family presented the flag during Friday's performances.

Shelbyville TN Mule Show


I just realized I hadn't posted any pictures from Shelbyville. 
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