Tuesday, October 16, 2012

UHCA 2012

Loren judging the event on Saturday.

Marsha Coleman
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UHCA Grand National 2012 Saturday

Saturday was a complete mess.  It rained and rained and rained! There was water standing everywhere.  The event took a small rain break and then went on to finish no matter how hard it was raining.  This was Judy Coffel and her mule Hailey.

Judy and Wes Coffel.  Wes was the Show Manager for the event.
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UHCA Grand National 2012

Judy Coffel and Hailey.  This was a high/low obstacle that required moving two arrows - one as high as they could reach and one as low as they could reach. 

Marsha Coleman and Edith, her mule
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UHCA Grand Nationals 2012

One of the obstacles on Sunday's trail was to lead the pack mule.

Wes Coffel leading the pack mule for a break during lunch.

Judy Coffel with her mule Hailey.
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Ultimate Horsemens Challenge Association

Judy Coffel and a young mule she competed with.

Loren and a contestant during course preview.

Three youth in the Buckaroo division.  (5-11 years old)

The National Anthem
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