Sunday, July 13, 2014

Drexel, MO UHCA

Here are some pictures from the June competition in Drexel, MO.
 Loren and April

 Pat's friend Tina with Izzy and Sandy

 Marsha Coleman


 Pat and Izzy

 Loren and April

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Ride (2)

Cole and Little Brother

Camri and Hoosier Daddy

Lenice and PairADice's Fat Tuesday (Hip #12 Jake Clark Mule Days)
Loren and PairADice's Madilyn (Hip #77 Jake Clark Mule Days)

Mother's Day Ride

Camri and Hoosier, Cori and Maggie, Cole and Little Brother

Loren and PairADice's Madilyn "Maddie"

The whole group of Mother's Day riders:
Cori, Cole, Camri, Loren, Sheila and Tim, Wesley
(Sheila, Tim and Wesley are riding Jake Clark Mule Day mules also)

Cori and Camri at water fall

Sheila and Stormy
Each Mother's Day we head out for a trail ride.  This year's mules were by far the nicest group of mules I've ever ridden with.  The weather was beautiful and not a lot of canoers on the river yet, which was nice.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Pat Keck, a client of PairADice Mule's, showed two different mules. 


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Extreme Cowboy Race Association

Loren attended the EXCA trail race in Columbus, KS.
He is riding a mule owned by Pat Keck that is in training at PairADice Mules.

Camri's 9th Birthday

Allison and Shadaizy and Camri and Hoosier

Friday, April 18, 2014

Competitive Trail Courses

Last weekend, we attended a competitive trail course competition in western Missouri.  There were several mules in attendance who did a great job competing.

This is Wes Coffel from Kansas.