Thursday, July 31, 2008

Olathe Sweet Corn

Tonight we had olathe sweet corn for dinner. I know it doesn't seem worthy of a whole blog but it is. It is the most amazing corn on the cob ever and it's only available the first week of August. A few years ago our family was fortunate enough to go trail riding in Moab, Utah. We went and stayed with friends Nancy and John Hauer. We went riding with John up the top of a mountain and looked down. He pointed to a town and told us that it was Moab. We were probably one of the first families in 100 years to see Moab for the first time from the top of a snow covered mountain in August. (He owned the whole top of the mountain.) When we returned to their ranch, his wife Nancy had made olathe sweet corn and barbeque ribs. I can't eat Olathe corn without thinking of her and her husband's amazing hospitality. Our children had the greatest time and it was a memory that comes up in discussions on a regular basis. They lived on the Colorado river and their dog would pretend like he was drowning so water rafters would pick him up and feed him. After he ate he would jump out and swim off. Nancy died a few years ago - what a loss for her family.

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