Monday, August 11, 2008

Trail Riding

We went trail riding yesterday with two of Loren's friends and their 7 year old sons. I had forgotten exactly how loud and excited a boy that age can be. They were enthralled with the river, rocks, spiders, horse flys, etc. They got hot when we took a short break at the river so both boys decided to swim. One of them went skinny dipping and the other took off his jeans and swam in his underwear. They were alot of fun to watch - such energy. I had forgotten how quiet the woods can be and how much I enjoy that solitude when I ride. I guess I'll stay home next weekend when they go to explore the cave.

Cole registered for his senior classes today. It was really sad. I know he's a senior - but it hit me this was it. My last high school registration ever.... I took pictures which he hated - but someday he'll like the scrapbooks, right?

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