Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that everyone had a happy Thanksgiving and got to eat all of the turkey they wanted. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and spent the day with family. Loren got to trail ride for a while in the morning and for him that always makes a great day. We are very blessed in this family - with healthy children and a healthy granddaughter, a wonderful extended family and the ability to both do something we love every day and get paid for it. We are thankful for all of the clients who have put their trust into Loren's training. He loves what he does and is one of the very best mule trainers because of it. He treats every mule here as if we own it and were putting someone we loved on it to ride. We have a busy year coming up: Cole will graduate from high school in May and Cori will graduate from college in May. She and Camri will be returning to Belle to start working in the family business: mules. Our best wishes in this busy season to you and yours. Stop and be thankful for everything you have in your life and then tell those people that you're thankful for them. Don't let this season get away without taking a few minutes to be thankful.

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