Monday, February 16, 2009

Extreme Cowboy Race

We just got home from the Kansas Horse Council's Horse Expo. We competed in the Craig Cameron Extreme Cowboy Race. There were 30 cowboys (and some cowgirls) and 3 of those rode mules. We were very pleased with Hoosier's results - of course we thought he should have won. There is still some discrimination in judge's against a longer ear. Craig Cameron tells the crowd that he doesn't care what you ride - horse, pony, mule - that it's how they ride that counts. I don't think he got his point across very well to the judges. One of the judges clearly did not like the mules. Loren had a clean run. He didn't knock anything over. He didn't fall off. He kept the golf ball on the cones. Clearly not everyone is ready to look at the results not the animal being ridden. I would certainly like to see how judges are chosen change now that they have started the Extreme Cowboy Race Association. I also would like to see something in the rules indicate that someone who runs it clean should place over someone who fails an obstacle. Sort of like with team roping - a slower time on 4 catches should beat a faster catch of only 3 head.

With every association - if you don't like the rules, don't play. It's like when you were a kid on the playground, the kid who had the ball made the rules. If you didn't like the rules, get your own ball.


  1. Mrs. Basham,
    I was one of those three mules. I sure dont want to sound like a poor sport. But I too am gonna offer some comments. Tickled pink that at least ONE mule made the finals. Cheers for muledom. But I WAS VERY disappointed when I saw some of the finalists! I guess that you can use roudn reins, knock over jumps and ride w/your animals head in the air and still go to the finals.
    It was sad to see with that much money paid out in entry fees for the judging to not be more even. Well anywho I LEARNED alot and its like you say if you dont like the rules get your own ball! I agree w/Cori should be a all girls division and possibly a MULE division

    Pam Robinson
    Liberty's mom

  2. Well I am not a mule fan to say the least. But have no problem if someone else wants to ride a mule. your comments about getting another ball is usually true, however since this is supposed to be a professional association, you should consider contacting them. Be polite and express your conserns, the example of roping was good. If an animal gets through clean, and another animal knocks down an obstacle it seem sthe penalty should take them out. However I wasn't there but if your time on the mules was slow enough that even with the penalty they beat you then I would say they did right. Personally I don't think any animal with it's head in the air should be advanced irregardless of time, but that is a pet peave of mine. LOL

    enjoyed your blog and pics
