Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chuckwagon Races

We attended the Chuckwagon Races in Raymondville, Missouri over the weekend. It's a great neat facility. There weren't a great number of racers, but the event was fun. We were joined by Wesley Wells of Booneville. He had a little mule that he has raised. He's under 46". He had little packs made for him and his pack saddle - cutest thing ever. The young man riding on the pack saddle is Cole McCloy, son of Ben and Brandi McCloy of Licking, Missouri. The young man riding Gizmo, the little pack mule, above is Jessie Lange of Belle, MO son of Steve and Susan Lange. Gizmo was a big hit. They are planning on holding the chuckwagon races again next year. Make plans to attend - it's a nice weekend. These races have put us all in the mood for more chuckwagon races and we are eagerly anticiapting the races in Clinton, AR.
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