Monday, August 31, 2009

Chuckwagon Races

Loren and Cole are headed to the Chuckwagon Races in Clinton, AR tomorrow. Yes - I know he just had surgery. Yes - I know he has a broken leg. I have heard him say a million times he would never miss the chuckwagon races for any reason. I guess he meant it. He will have a mule in the horse sale. He will put on his mule clinic and he will ride around in the wagon of Tim and Sheila Cross of Iowa. He is not taking a mule to ride. This is a blessing for me. He is being smart about his choices. He is happy just to be able to attend. Cole will defend his title of National Champion. Check back next week for pictures. I am not going until Friday and will miss the races on Friday afternoon. The pictures will be fewer but hopefully just as dramatic. The weather is supposed to be beautiful - mid 70's. Wouldn't that be amazing if it ends up to be true.

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