Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Saturday in February

It finally reached 40 degrees in Missouri. Cori was having massive withdrawls from riding and so she and Camri set out on a short ride yesterday. I think that Cori tried to persuade Camri to stay inside with Grandma. It takes twice as long to get Blue ready then Camri actually wants to ride. But - Camri was insistent that she was riding. Uncle Cole helped her get mounted using the mounting block and they were off. Cori and Camri rode about an hour. By the time they returned Camri had lost her beloved hat (notice the tiara), her fingers were cold and I think Blue had had enough. They are out ridiing again today. Camri is headed out looking for her hat. I hope that everyone is starting to see a little bit of spring. I understand from Tim Cross that his area set a record low yesterday. The sun is shining in Missouri and the mud is starting to dry up a little.
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