Monday, May 14, 2012

Jake Clark Mules 2012


This is PairADice's Josie.  She did great yesterday.  No problems with the saddle bags or the rough terrain.  She was a perfect lady on the trail.  Camri and Kacie were along and they don't always pay attention to how close they ride to the mule in front of them.  Josie didn't mind the girls riding close.  She rode in the front of the group, in the back of the group and in the middle of the group and did great.

This is PairADice's Smarty.  He was a perfect gentleman.  He rode well in the middle and at the back of the group.  I didn't attempt to ride in front.  He put up with my climbing off of rocks and tree stumps to get on.  He was great for this grandma.  He did well on the rough terrain and picked his way through the rocks.  He avoided trees on the trail.  He was a perfect mount for my Mother's Day ride.
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