Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wow - It's been 2 months?

It is really hard to believe that I haven't updated anything on this blog for 2 months.  I have a lot of excuses - but none of them are very good.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Thanksgiving.  Loren has a group of friends here for the weekend and they are out riding in the snow.  It gives me time to post a few holiday pictures.  I hope that everyone got to spend time with people they love and people who love them.  Holidays are rushed and we forget about the true meaning of the seasons. 
Cole, Grandma Sue, Loren, Camri and Julie (the New American Girl Doll) 
Loren and Cole ride daily - despite the weather.  We have been fortunate that December had many days over 50 degrees.  We have been trail riding a couple Sunday's.  I am looking forward to the new year and hope that it brings all good things to you and your family. 

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