Monday, August 31, 2009

Chuckwagon Races

Loren and Cole are headed to the Chuckwagon Races in Clinton, AR tomorrow. Yes - I know he just had surgery. Yes - I know he has a broken leg. I have heard him say a million times he would never miss the chuckwagon races for any reason. I guess he meant it. He will have a mule in the horse sale. He will put on his mule clinic and he will ride around in the wagon of Tim and Sheila Cross of Iowa. He is not taking a mule to ride. This is a blessing for me. He is being smart about his choices. He is happy just to be able to attend. Cole will defend his title of National Champion. Check back next week for pictures. I am not going until Friday and will miss the races on Friday afternoon. The pictures will be fewer but hopefully just as dramatic. The weather is supposed to be beautiful - mid 70's. Wouldn't that be amazing if it ends up to be true.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mule of the Month

This is Crestlines Majestic April. She is 10 years old and if you're looking for a show mule - here she is. A partial listing of her accomplishments are on the website: Check her out. She is ready for the show pen and the trail.

Monday, August 24, 2009


The surgery went well today. The procedure was done as outpatient and only lasted about 45 minutes. We are home and he is recovering from the anisthesia. Thank you for thinking of us today.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Here is Loren's Xray. It looks like we will have surgery on Monday to place a plate in the break. The break isn't the problem as much as the socket and the placement of the bones in the socket and arthritis.

Broken Fibula

For those of you who read the Mules and More blog, you are aware that Loren broke his leg Sunday. We head to the orthopedist today to either cast or put a plate and pins in. We want to thank everyone who has stopped by or called. As you can imagine, Loren is already stir crazy and it's only been 3 1/2 days. He's hoping for a walking cast of some kind so he can get back to the barn.

Loren and the kids head to Iowa next weekend for the Iowa Donkey and Mule Show. Let's hope he can at least hobble around by then. They are looking forward to the weekend!

I'll let you know how the appointment goes today - keep us in your prayers. -- Lenice

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chuckwagon Races

We attended the Chuckwagon Races in Raymondville, Missouri over the weekend. It's a great neat facility. There weren't a great number of racers, but the event was fun. We were joined by Wesley Wells of Booneville. He had a little mule that he has raised. He's under 46". He had little packs made for him and his pack saddle - cutest thing ever. The young man riding on the pack saddle is Cole McCloy, son of Ben and Brandi McCloy of Licking, Missouri. The young man riding Gizmo, the little pack mule, above is Jessie Lange of Belle, MO son of Steve and Susan Lange. Gizmo was a big hit. They are planning on holding the chuckwagon races again next year. Make plans to attend - it's a nice weekend. These races have put us all in the mood for more chuckwagon races and we are eagerly anticiapting the races in Clinton, AR.
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Saddle For Sale

This is a Handmade Mule Saddle. It is made by Al's Custom Saddle in Bourbon, Missouri. It has a 16 inch seat, highback and a slick seat. It has been used very little. $750.00
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